Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Sticker Shock Campaign

National and New Hampshire surveys have shown that many underage drinkers access alcohol through adults over 21 who can purchase it legally.  New Hampshire makes it illegal to provide alcohol to minors, even youth supervised in the home, even if the adults in the home didn't directly supply the alcohol. 

The Sticker Shock Campaign reaches adults to inform them about the legal consequences for purchasing alcohol for a minor.  The new 2012 sticker sends a positive message to adults "Thank you for keeping youth alcohol free" and includes a QR Code that directs people to for great prevention resources. 
The Granite Youth Alliance (GYA) is conducting their sticker shock campaign in Exeter and Stratham on April 19th from 3:30-6pm.  We're looking for more t(w)eens (12-18 yrs old) to get involved with us for both the leadership team and this event.  Feel free to email for more information.

GYA is partnering with local police, local businesses, and adult advisors on April 19th for this campaign.  Youth follow appropriate guidelines to go into stores and place stickers on 12 and 24 packs of beer informing consumers of this important message.  This is a great opportunity to work with media and spotlight the positive community involvement!